Matthew Bengtson
公司:IBS Classical
罗伯托-谢拉的 “节奏和声调研究”(Estudios rítmicos y sonoros),让人想起肖邦和李斯特的钢琴作品的大演奏家传统。毫无疑问,正如过去重要的练习曲作曲家所做的那样,这些练习曲继续推动了对演奏者的技术要求。它们不仅对演奏者的身体技术、勇气和纯粹的速度提出了最高要求,而且对他们的智力能力也提出了要求。人们必须像爵士鼓手一样准确地内化交叉节奏,以揭示出记号的理想主义概念。Piezas Líricas的神秘景观成为Estudios的热闹的衬托。曼努埃尔-德-法拉音乐厅的共鸣和清晰的声音为这些作品提供了完美的氛围,使它们具有所需的精神宽度。阿尔罕布拉宫的灵感似乎甚至给它们带来了一种特殊的永恒和神秘主义的光环。高超技艺和《利雅得》的高雅艺术形成了鲜明的对比。这张专辑提供了直接的、有魅力的、甚至是天真无邪的感觉。音乐材料代表了童年或家庭生活的场景和想法,具有民间音乐的简单性。与众所周知的模式不同,部分元素主要来自拉丁美洲的音乐。
歌曲名称 | 艺术家 | |
1 | Estudio No. 1 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
2 | Estudio No. 2 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
3 | Estudio No. 3 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
4 | Estudio No. 4 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
5 | Estudio No. 5 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
6 | Estudio No. 6 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
7 | Estudio No. 7 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
8 | Estudio No. 8 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
9 | Estudio No. 9 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
10 | Estudio No. 10 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
11 | Estudio No. 11 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
12 | Estudio No. 12 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
13 | Pieza Lírica No. 1 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
14 | Pieza Lírica No. 2 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
15 | Pieza Lírica No. 3 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
16 | Pieza Lírica No. 4 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
17 | Pieza Lírica No. 5 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
18 | Pieza Lírica No. 6 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
19 | Pieza Lírica No. 7 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
20 | Pieza Lírica No. 8 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
21 | Pieza Lírica No. 9 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
22 | Pieza Lírica No. 10 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
23 | Pieza Lírica No. 11 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
24 | Pieza Lírica No. 12 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
25 | Pieza Lírica No. 13 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
26 | Pieza Lírica No. 14 for Piano | Matthew Bengtson |
27 | Album for the Young: No. 1, Folk Dance | Matthew Bengtson |
28 | Album for the Young: No. 2, Raindrops | Matthew Bengtson |
29 | Album for the Young: No. 3, Starry Night | Matthew Bengtson |
30 | Album for the Young: No. 4, Latin Dance | Matthew Bengtson |
31 | Album for the Young: No. 5, Song | Matthew Bengtson |
32 | Album for the Young: No. 6, Toccatina | Matthew Bengtson |
33 | Album for the Young: No. 7, Thunderstorm | Matthew Bengtson |
34 | Album for the Young: No. 8, Autumn | Matthew Bengtson |
35 | Album for the Young: No. 9, Etude | Matthew Bengtson |
36 | Album for the Young: No. 10, Snow | Matthew Bengtson |
37 | Album for the Young: No. 11, At the Lake | Matthew Bengtson |
38 | Album for the Young: No. 12, Meditation | Matthew Bengtson |
39 | Album for the Young: No. 13, The Dog Chasing His Tail | Matthew Bengtson |
40 | Album for the Young: No. 14, Moonlight | Matthew Bengtson |
41 | Album for the Young: No. 15, Postlude | Matthew Bengtson |
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