Native DSD music and iF i audio are proud to collaborate together with the latest DSD256fs sampler album t o celebrate the launch of the flagship Professional series. The first product, the Pro iCan is a professional studio grade headphone amplifier and an audiophile line-stage. The Native DSD music album contains 4 cherry-picked DSD 256 songs for you to enjoy. Why iFi and Native DSD? Its because we both bring out the best in each other .
iFi enjoys PCM and DSD , which is why the specially selected Burr-Brown chip was chosen as it keeps each format in its native state as it travels through the dac chipset. Both iFi and N tive DSD Music care passionately about the ultimate in sound quality and when it comes to DSD recordings, Native DSD Music continues to push the boundaries – with DSD256 recorded music in particular. This is why we made this album for you, the listener.
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