Daniel Pemberton
公司:Sony Classical
蜘蛛侠不止一个!漫威超英动画巨制《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》将经典漫画与CGI技术完美呈现,讲述了普通高中生迈尔斯·莫拉斯如何师从蜘蛛侠彼得·帕克,成长为新一代超级英雄的故事。影片中迈尔斯和从其它平行宇宙中穿越而来的彼得、女蜘蛛侠格温、暗影蜘蛛侠、潘妮·帕克和蜘猪侠集结成团,六位蜘蛛侠首次同框大银幕,对抗蜘蛛侠宇宙最强反派。 《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的配乐部分则由曾为《瞒天过海:美人计》与《金钱世界》等影视作品创作配乐的丹尼尔·彭伯顿(Daniel Pemberton)完成,为了匹配这部影片抢眼的视觉风格,Daniel的制作团队录制并混合了一系列多种多样的元素,从电子合成器到完全的管弦乐,在Daniel的操刀下,《蜘蛛侠:平行宇宙》的配乐充满了动感与能量。
# | 曲目 | 时长/大小 | 价格 |
1 | Into the Spider-Verse | 00:00:59 10M |
¥12.00 |
2 | Only One Spider-Man | 00:02:13 28M |
¥12.00 |
3 | Visions Brooklyn 1, 2, 3 | 00:03:17 37M |
¥12.00 |
4 | Security Guard | 00:01:06 12M |
¥12.00 |
5 | Comic Book | 00:00:44 9M |
¥12.00 |
6 | Green Goblin Fight | 00:02:12 23M |
¥12.00 |
7 | The Amazing Spider-Man | 00:01:56 21M |
¥12.00 |
8 | The Collider | 00:01:14 15M |
¥12.00 |
9 | Destiny | 00:02:46 26M |
¥12.00 |
10 | Escape the Subway | 00:01:56 22M |
¥12.00 |
11 | Mi Amor | 00:01:19 13M |
¥12.00 |
12 | Spider Training | 00:01:23 16M |
¥12.00 |
13 | Rest in Peace | 00:01:20 12M |
¥12.00 |
14 | My Name is.. Peter B. Parker | 00:00:52 10M |
¥12.00 |
15 | For the Love of MJ | 00:00:38 6M |
¥12.00 |
16 | Peter Enters the Spider-Verse | 00:01:36 20M |
¥12.00 |
17 | Cemetery Splat | 00:00:37 7M |
¥12.00 |
18 | Catch the S Train | 00:01:55 25M |
¥12.00 |
19 | Quantum Physics | 00:01:20 13M |
¥12.00 |
20 | Gimme the Goober | 00:01:15 13M |
¥12.00 |
21 | Alchemax Infiltration Plan | 00:01:42 20M |
¥12.00 |
22 | Alchemax Arrival | 00:02:17 25M |
¥12.00 |
23 | Spider-Man Science | 00:02:06 23M |
¥12.00 |
24 | Take the Computer and Run | 00:01:25 18M |
¥12.00 |
25 | Are You Ready to Swing? | 00:03:09 41M |
¥12.00 |
26 | Gwen Enters the Spider-Verse | 00:00:48 9M |
¥12.00 |
27 | Kingpin Clicks | 00:01:37 17M |
¥12.00 |
28 | Aunt May and the Spider-Shed | 00:03:54 44M |
¥12.00 |
29 | The Prowler | 00:02:45 31M |
¥12.00 |
30 | Breakdown the House.. | 00:02:27 31M |
¥12.00 |
31 | .. And Tear off the Roof | 00:02:30 28M |
¥12.00 |
32 | On Your Way | 00:02:18 22M |
¥12.00 |
33 | The Team Leaves | 00:01:57 19M |
¥12.00 |
34 | This Spark in You | 00:02:10 21M |
¥12.00 |
35 | Spider-Team Mission | 00:01:44 20M |
¥12.00 |
36 | MJ in the Restaurant | 00:00:54 9M |
¥12.00 |
37 | Suicide Squad | 00:01:46 21M |
¥12.00 |
38 | Miles Morales Returns | 00:03:45 48M |
¥12.00 |
39 | Saying Goodbye | 00:01:49 21M |
¥12.00 |
40 | Shut it Down | 00:01:15 15M |
¥12.00 |
41 | Kingpin Fight | 00:02:59 38M |
¥12.00 |
42 | Shoulder Touch | 00:02:33 30M |
¥12.00 |
43 | Aftermath | 00:01:26 14M |
¥12.00 |
44 | Spider-Man Loves You | 00:01:51 24M |
¥12.00 |
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