专辑:Riding With The King
歌手:Eric Clapton
歌手:B.B. King
唱片公司:Bushbranch / Surfdog Records
It sounds like the beginning of a story: “So, Slowhand and the King of the Blues were riding in a car …” If this is a musical journey, it’s the kind that rolls down long, empty stretches of country highway at 80 miles an hour, with the top down and the stereo blasting. Clapton and King may be more city than country, but this collection has the relaxed, laid-back feel that only comes from a pair of veterans doing what they do best. What they do here is cover 12 classic blues songs, many of them staples of King’s repertoire, so the title of this album makes sense. Whether it’s the rollicking rock & roll of the title track, or the acoustic shuffle of “Key to the Highway,” or the sweet notes of “When My Heart Beats Like a Hammer,” a real sense of pleasure comes through on this album, the kind of pleasure one gets from jamming late at night with a good friend.
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