专辑:Bleeding Wolves
歌手:Matthew Lien
唱片公司:Kdigital Media, Ltd.
Bleeding Wolves is a collection of epic pieces full of texture and color, which celebrate the beauty of nature, life and love. The title is both a reference to the Yukon government’s wolf kill program (euphemistically dubbed the “caribou enhancement program”) and a metaphor for some of the more cataclysmic dealings of humankind upon the natural world, which are reflected throughout the album with moving orchestrations.
Bleeding Wolves involved more than 30 musicians, with instrumentation ranging from piano, to Uilleann bagpipes, to wire harp, to orchestral and other instruments. Styles range from Celtic (“Flying Squirrel Creek” and “Tears Over Shetland”), to European folk (“Before the War”), from world (“And Then There Were None”), to light jazz (“These Wings”), and from love songs (“Bressanone”) to classical (“Of Strength And Sorrow”).
The musicians on this album are of the highest caliber, including such renowned artists as Pe
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